Mr Thomas Chua at the Teachers’ Day Appreciation Dinner cum LEAP Award Presentation Ceremony




1. 首先,我谨代表新加坡福建会馆全体同仁感谢教育部长陈振声先生,特地拨冗出席今晚的教师节慰劳晚宴,并为飞跃教师奖进行颁奖。

2. 时隔两年,很高兴福建会馆属下六校师长,以及福建会馆各附属机构教职员,能够再度齐聚一堂,欢庆教师节。我在2008年受委为福建会馆理事,参加过12届的教师节晚宴,今晚的感触特别深刻。

3. 两年的疫情,大家幸苦了!俗话说“患难见真情”,疫情之中,我们看到了大家的真情。记得2020年,冠状病毒来势汹汹,我国4月7日宣布启动阻断措施,全国学生居家学习。在短时间内,老师们都必须学习使用网络科技,把平时上课的教材,改为网课,一时间大家的工作量倍增;此外还必须帮助部分学生解决没有电子视听设备的问题,同时还要面对感染冠病的风险。面对许多的未知,大家一步一步沉着应对。

4. 在疫苗接种计划成功推行,疫情受到控制之后,我们又再面对一波又一波变种毒株的挑战。在奥秘克龙感染的鼎盛时期,学校因为许多教师受到感染必须隔离,教课的担子都落在剩下的教师身上。在这段期间,老师们发挥互助精神,轮流代课,或是替染病隔离的学生补课。学生因为在不同时候感染冠病,需要补的课不一样,这也为老师们带来额外的工作。可说是雪上加霜、累上加累。

5. 两年疫情,到今天逐步放宽,我们能够再度齐聚一堂欢庆教师节。在这里,我谨代表福建会馆属校董事,再度感谢我们劳苦功高的校长和老师们,大家也给自己鼓励的掌声,大家辛苦了!

6. 我听校长说,过去两年的教师节,老师们都是在各自的桌案前,吃bento度过。很奇怪同样是吃饭,几个人吃和几百人一起吃的感觉,就是不一样。

7. 教育是百年的大计,当年推动的计划,或是推行的课程,有时要到许多年以后,才会看到成绩。办教育需要有远见,更必须要坚持。福建会馆属校在2006年推展旗舰项目“双文化华文优选课程”,为学生精通中英双语打下基础,到了2019年,更把这项课程与位于兀兰新镇的启化小学分享。今年,我们很高兴启化小学将有第一批修读部分单元的“双文化华文优选课程”小六学生结业。

8. 除了帮助属校学生,福建会馆也资助多项全国性的奖项,例如全国小学生华语讲故事比赛、中学生华文创作比赛、大专文学奖等等。在今年,我们也举办了第一届的“全国小学设计思维挑战赛”,吸引了全国37所小学的232名各族学生报名参加。

9. 会馆十分感激属校教职员,对协办各项全国性比赛和奖项的支持,这些都是额外的工作,但大家充分发挥团队精神,分工合作,为的就是给学生提供全国性的平台,相互切磋、提升水平。

10. 除了关心学生,福建会馆也在2012年举办了第一届的飞跃教师奖,公开接受全国的中小学以及特需学校提名。飞跃教师奖今年已经步入第十一届。

11. 谈到飞跃教师奖,请容许我以英语继续发言。

Minister Chan Chun Sing,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

12. First and foremost, on behalf of Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan, a very warm welcome to one and all for joining us at the Teachers’ Day Appreciation Dinner and LEAP Award Presentation Ceremony this evening.

13. The LEAP Award was launched by the late President S R Nathan in 2011 and gave out its first Awards in 2012. The Award seeks to recognise extra-ordinary educators who took a leap of faith in their students and encouraged them to give off their best. This year, the selection panel shortlisted 13 outstanding teachers from a total of 183 nominations, in which each school is to nominate a maximum of 2 teachers.

14. All nominees will receive a certificate of commendation, as we believe that being nominated is itself, an honour and a recognition.

15. To educate and be educated, is a lifelong pursuit. Hokkien Huay Kuan has been pursuing this cause since its early founding days in the 19th century. And we are still actively doing our part, providing quality education to students from all walks of life, nurturing them so that they can fulfil their potentials, and ultimately becoming socially responsible individuals.

16. This echoed Minister Chan’s vision for a new social compact for Singapore. We have all benefitted from the quality education system set-up and supported by our forefathers, and we too, must do the same for our next generation.

17. Before I end my speech, my heartfelt congratulations to the 13 winners of the 2022 LEAP Award. To all Hokkien Huay Kuan affiliated school principals, teachers and staff, a big thank you to all of you from the SMC. We hope you enjoy yourselves tonight, and may all of you have a good rest during the upcoming school holidays.

18. Stay healthy, stay safe! Happy Teachers’ Day! Thank you.

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