


1. 首先,我谨代表新加坡福建会馆全体同仁,欢迎王瑞杰副总理和各位嘉宾拨冗出席今天的新春团拜,并衷心感谢一直支持福建会馆的各个社团组织、政府机构、媒体朋友、社会各界人士及会馆的会员们!祝愿大家在甲辰龙年里,身强体健、龙腾四海、事业兴旺、财运好运“龙众”来!

2. 福建会馆创办184年以来,始终秉承先辈们的创会宗旨,不遗余力地推广教育、弘扬中华文化以及促进社会公益。会馆原本附设于直落亚逸街的天福宫,1955年福建会馆大厦在天福宫对面落成,就有了比较舒适和宽敞的活动和办公地点。直落亚逸街是福建会馆的摇篮,孕育会馆走过了170多年的历程。

3. 2014年,我们离开了直落亚逸街,落户东海岸。不知不觉,福建会馆已经在东海岸活动十年了!有了更加宽阔的场地,贴近绿意盎然的大自然,福建会馆文化学院在时任会长蔡天宝博士以及理事们的指导下,大力拓展文化事业,开设了注重母语教学以及宣扬优良传统价值观的幼儿园和学后托管中心。福建会馆文化艺术团也在这里设立了大巴窑以外的第二个中心,并在这里成立了新加坡华族舞蹈剧场。

4. 十年来,福建会馆文化学院能够这在里顺利开展活动,要感谢历届的理事、会员、伙伴们一路的支持、指导以及对我们的信心。同时,也要感谢附近一带的居民和社区组织这十年来的支持和包容,让文化学院能够在这里继续站稳脚步,为社会服务。

5. 联系社群、回馈社会,是福建会馆一贯坚持的信念和使命。王瑞杰副总理刚刚主持开幕的流动“居民联系站”,就是会馆回馈社会、支持社区发展的又一个体现。这个设置在福建会馆文化学院场地内的流动“居民联系站”,是第一个设立在会馆里的“居民联系站”,它汇聚了许许多多会馆和社区的资源,是双方团队策划了长达3个月的成果。我们希望居民能够善用这个新的联系站,多多来参加活动、增进情感,共同打造精彩活跃、充满文化气息的社区。

6. “十年树木,百年树人”,福建会馆文化学院在东海岸落户十周年。为欢庆这个重要的里程碑,学院将在今年9月14号当天,举办十周年庆祝活动,到时希望大家也一起到来和我们一同欢庆、一同展望下一个十年的新里程,共襄盛举。

Ladies and gentlemen, partners
7. Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan is very happy to be celebrating our Cultural Academy’s 10th year at East Coast this year. We are also very excited to partner People’s Association in the deployment of the mobile “Our Resident’s Hub” at No. 5 Sennett Road. This is the first time the Hub is deployed in a clan association, and we thank DPM Heng Swee Keat for taking time to join us to officially open the Hub. The deployment of Our Residents’ Hub in our Cultural Academy campus is part of Huay Kuan’s ongoing efforts in engaging the community and fostering community growth.

8. Huay Kuan is heartened to host this new platform for residents nearby to come together in this common space to enjoy services, and share their love for different interests and hobbies, and we look forward to complementing these activities with colourful local Chinese cultural and heritage elements. The Hub is well supported by the clan association and community resources and we hope that residents will make good use of this pop-up facility, and collectively create a culturally vibrant and cohesive community.

9. Last but not least, SHHK Cultural Academy will be celebrating our 10th year at East Coast on 14 September, and we hope all of you can come celebrate with us. Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan has a long history of service to the community and with all your support, we will strive to fulfil our mission for more years to come.

10. Here’s wishing one and all, a happy, healthy and prosperous year of the dragon! Thank you.

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