Mr Thomas Chua at the Teachers’ Day Appreciation Dinner cum LEAP Award Presentation Ceremony





8月18日,听到黄循财总理在国庆群众大会的演讲,我们倍受鼓舞。总理认为新加坡不但要有精英,还要有精华!我们相信,未来将会有更多学生选修高级华文,将热爱转化为行动,学好华文华语,熟知华族文化,成为“精通华文的人才”— 新加坡社会的精华,为国家的发展添砖加瓦。

新加坡福建会馆的理事积极参与华社事务,义务为国家为社群的发展服务。今年,福建会馆刚完成了三年一度的理事会选举,本人有幸连任福建会馆会长,深感责任重大,也很高兴能再次代表福建会馆理事会 – 包括新晋理事 – 向属校的全体教职员致敬!



Guest-of-Honour, Minister for Education,Mr Chan Chun Sing,
Principals, teachers, ladies and gentlemen, a very good evening!

On behalf of the Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan 45th Council, a very warm welcome to the annual Teachers’ Day Appreciation Dinner and the 13th LEAP Award Presentation Ceremony.

The LEAP Award, which stands for “Listening Educator for Advancement and Progress Award”, was launched by the late President S R Nathan in 2011. Tonight, we will be presenting the Award to a total of 15 outstanding teachers, shortlisted from 234 nominations received from 154 schools. Four schools will be receiving the LEAP Award for the very first time! They are Zhonghua Primary School, East Spring Primary School, Pasir Ris Secondary School and Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore School (East). Our heartfelt congratulations to all 15 recipients and the awarded schools. The LEAP Award recognises your commitment in helping students achieve their highest potential. Well done, and keep up the good effort!

On this note, I would like to thank the LEAP Award judging panel for your effort and time, in going through the nominations to shortlist and finalise the LEAP Award recipients, despite your busy work schedule. We truly appreciate your dedication and commitment.

Education is a long-term endeavour and commitment. Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan, has shown that throughout the 184 years of history, we have been committed in upholding the founding mission of promoting and advancing the causes of education in Singapore. I am heartened that everyone here shares that commitment towards education. On this special occasion, it gives me great pleasure in wishing all of you, a very Happy Teachers Day!

Thank you.

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